Design Terms:

Wait list & turn around time:

Clients are scheduled for a month, however turn around time may be quicker than this depending on my work load. I have increased my turn around time so that I can spend more time working with clients and their designs. Design work will begin the first full week of the month.
“Currently booking for” is listed at the top of all design service pages. Be sure to check that this timeline suits you before booking.


All communication takes place via email.
Upon paying your deposit, please allow 24 hours processing time. I will email you with your design date and homework. This needs to be returned to me as soon as possible and no later than the Friday before beginning design work.
Once I begin working on your designs, it is imperative that you check your email daily in the even that I have questions for you or need you to proof designs.

Deposit and refunds:

All design work requires a deposit to book your slot. To ensure I am only booking for serious clients, deposits are non-refundable. If applicable, a fee for all work completed & assistance beyond what has been paid for shall be paid by the client.
You are booking for a specific design. I often begin work before our time together, such as setting up a staging site, installing necessary plugins and working on basic layouts etc. If you cancel or wish to change your package, you may be required to pay for any time I have spent prior to your change request.

Due to the nature of my design work, once a payment is made, no refunds will be issued.

Payment Structure

All custom design work requires a $200 deposit.
The remaining amount will be split between 2 payments. The first at the beginning of the month your site design is scheduled for, design work will only begin once payment is made.
The remaining amount is due upon completion, or on the 25th of your design month, whichever comes first.

Blog Revisions:

Your site will be first set up on a staging website. During the time your site is in staging mode, you may request unlimited revisions, until you are 100% happy with your design.

Once your site is live, any major revisions will be billed for at $100 per hour.

You will receive one month of post-installation support. During this time, you are welcome to email me with any questions you have regarding your site.

General Site/Blog Design Liability:

It is your responsibility to back up your site before I begin design work. This will not be done for you. If you need assistance, please email me so that I can let you know how to do this.
If you implement any changes on your blog/site and this causes loss of data, I will not be held responsible for this loss. I can re-implement your design at 50% of the original cost.

WordPress Liability:

It is your responsibility to keep your WordPress site or blog updated – this includes updating WordPress, themes and plugins. If you install new plugins, please be sure they are compatible with your version of WordPress and have been updated recently. If you install a plugin that causes your site to crash, I will not be held responsible for this.

I do offer a WordPress maintenance package for $700 per year if you wish to receive ongoing support with your site.

Blog Design Restrictions:
You may:

  • Add additional widgets or plugins to your site. However, if this causes loss of data, I will not be held responsible for this.

You may not:

  • remove my credit link
  • claim any images or designs as your own
  • use my designs in a derogatory, racist or sexist way or in any way that may cause harm to another individual or group. If a website violates this term, I reserve the right to remove any association with your site by removing any installed designs and credit links. You will not receive a warning or a refund if you violate this term.

Laine Sutherland Designs




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