Launching a new website can be an exciting time, but it’s also important to make sure everything is in order before making it live. This checklist is designed to help you ensure that your WordPress website is ready for launch. It covers a wide range of items that should be reviewed, from technical aspects like plugin and theme installation, to content-related items like proofreading and SEO. By going through this checklist, you can ensure that your website is fully functional and optimized for both visitors and search engines.

  1. Verify that all the necessary plugins and themes are installed and updated
  2. Ensure that all the pages and posts have been properly created and formatted
  3. Check that all the links on the website are working correctly
  4. Verify that all forms, such as contact forms, are functioning properly
  5. Test the website on different devices and browsers to check for compatibility
  6. Check that all the images and videos are properly optimized for web
  7. Verify that the website is properly configured for SEO by checking the meta tags, keyword research, and sitemap
  8. Check that the website is properly configured for security by checking user roles, backups and updating passwords
  9. Test the website’s load speed and make any necessary optimizations by using tools like GTmetrix and Google Page Speed
  10. Perform a final proofreading of all the content on the website.
  11. Set up Google Analytics and Search Console to track the traffic and performance of your website
  12. Check that your website is mobile-friendly and responsive to different screen sizes.
  13. Check that all the forms have proper validation and error handling.
  14. Test the website’s checkout and payment process.
  15. Test the website’s contact form and ensure that it is working properly and the emails are delivered.
  16. Make sure that the website has proper redirects in place for any old URLs that have been changed or removed.
  17. Verify that the website is properly configured for social media integration.
  18. Test the website’s backup and restore process.
  19. Verify that the website is properly configured for e-commerce if it’s an online store.
  20. Run a final test to check for any broken links or missing images before launching the website.

By taking the time to review these items, you’ve set yourself up for a successful website launch. Remember, even though you’ve launched the website, it’s still important to monitor it regularly and make updates as needed. A website is never truly “finished” and there will always be things that can be improved upon. But by following this checklist, you can be confident that your website is in the best shape possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Happy launching!

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