Your name & surname:
Your email address:
What is your store name/name you would like on your website? If you currently have a website, please add the URL below.:
If you are organizing your own hosting, please make sure you add me as an admin to your new WordPress install. If you need help with this, pleaes email me directly. If you would like to use TechSurgeons, please indicate this in the field below.
If you choose TechSurgeons, and have a domain name already, please indicate this below, and who it is hosted with. I will require these login details at a later date.
As your design is completely independent of a theme, please take a look at the following themes to see if there are any design elements you like. You are also welcome to browse around and see what elements of specific sites you would like to incorporate into your site. You can include links to sites that inspire you on the next page. You can also take a look at some of the following Genesis themes to get some ideas of what can be included in your site design. Genesis themes: Some things to consider: size of header image: 1. would you like a small header justified left or right with the menu bar next to it 2. would you like the header image in the middle with a menu to the left and right 3. would you like a large full width header image with a menu above and/or below 4. would you like a sticky menu bar that stays at the top of your page when you scroll page layout: would you like: - a grid layout (similar to my site) - a slider that scrolls through your latest posts - a static image at the top with a sign up form - promo You can provide links here to sites you like. If you would prefer to do a sketch of your layout, please attach that with your homework. All wording must be included.
What colours do you want me to work with? What colours don’t you want me to work with? You are welcome to attach color palettes.
Do you have any images ideas for your site? Clip art, photos etc.
If you would like a photo of yourself and blurb introducing you on your sidebar, please attach the photo you would like and the short blurb you would like. (Your blurb should be limited to a few keywords or a few lines introducing yourself) Please also include a HIGH QUALITY image which is 1000 x 1000pixels or larger.
Certain fonts require a license to be used in designs. If you have a specific, purchased font you would like me to use, please attached the font and your license or proof of purchase. Custom fonts will be embedded as web fonts on your site so please ensure that the license you purchase allows for this type of usage.
Please list all/any links you would like on your site. Please include the actual URL link.
If you would like me to integrate your newsletter sign up forms with your site, please provide your login details below (and which Email Marketing Tool you use - MailChimp, ConvertKit, MailerLite etc)
Email Marketing Tool Password. This is secure and can only be seen by me. Please ensure that any two-step verification (such as an sms verification code or email code) is turned off so that I can access your account easily.
What page tabs do you want on your menu bar? Please also state where these should link to.
Your design includes four beautifully styled interior pages. Which four additional pages would you like styled? (About Me, Contact Page etc.) Please include the information for these pages in a separate PDF, Word (Pages) or PowerPoint (KeyNote) document. Please include any images that need to be on these pages as full sized images in a .zip file - do not add them directly to the document as I need them to be large and easily editable. You may include them in the document for placement examples.
If you would like a members only access area, please include the information for the freebies in a separate PDF, Word (Pages) or PowerPoint (KeyNote) document. Please include any images that need to be with these freebies as full sized images in a .zip file - do not add them directly to the document as I need them to be large and easily editable. If there is a salutation you would like included at the top of your members only page, please include it below:
Your members only page will require a password to be able to access it. What would you like that password to be? (Please note, that I will set this up in your users area of your WordPress site. You will be able to access and change this information at any time. This is especially useful if you wish to change the password often so that people need to open and read your newsletter emails) It will be your responsibility to send out your newsletter with this information on to your subscribers.
Your design includes the uploading of 6 products. Please include the information for these products in a separate PDF, Word (Pages) or PowerPoint (KeyNote) document. Please include any images that need to be with these products as full sized images in a .zip file - do not add them directly to the document as I need them to be large and easily editable. Please just include the names of the 6 products you are attaching below.
You can attach all your files here. Please send large files to me via DropBox or Google Drive. Allowed file types: ZIP, PNG, JPG, JPEG, PDF
If you would prefer to send your files via DropBox or GoogleDrive, please add the links below.